Program content - Part I
Session 1: Steady and transient simulations
Part 1:
- Definition of model grid.
- Setting of aquifer type (confined or unconfined) and hydraulic parameters.
- Setting of boundary conditions: RCH, RIV and WEL.
- Visualization of results and water balance.
Part 2:
- Construction of a transient model with 10 periods of 365 days.
- Simulation of different scenarios in which pumping wells are applied trough different layers of the aquifer.
Session 2: DISV Package and quadtree refinements
- Construction of a steady-state model with quadtree refinement.
- Definition of boundary conditions that represent a lake with constant-head, a river and wells with different pumping rates.
- Model run and water balance analysis.
- Visualization of groundwater level.
Session 3: Advanced packages
- Construction of a model with advanced packages: MAW (Multi-Aquifer Well) and SFR (Stream Flow Routing).
- Implemetation of a lake as a constant head boundary
- Simulation of a transient mode.
Session 4: Particle tracking
Part 1:
- Configuration of MODPATH in a steady-state model with quadtree refinement.
- Forward and backward particle tracking simulation applied to a model with general-head boundary conditions and wells.
Part 2:
- Configuration of MODPATH in a transient-state model.
- Forward and backward particle tracking simulation applied to a model with wells with different pumping rates and a river that interacts with a nearby well
Session 5: Three-dimensional anisotropy
Part 1:
- Creation of a model in steady-state with three-dimensional anisotropy applied in 2 axis that creates whirls.
- Insertion of wells pumping and injecting water in different layers.
Part 2:
- Three-dimensional steady-state simulation with quadtree refinement and three-dimensional anisotropy distributed in 2 axis of the grid.
Session 6: Regional model
- Construction a three-dimensional steady-state model with a basin that delimits the active zone placed throughout the extension of the grid.
- Use graphic objects and external shapefiles to apply to boundary conditions such as recharge, evapotranspiration, and rivers.
- Application of head observations and post-processing of results with Python
Final Exam
Programme content - Part II
Session 1: Introduction to Flopy
- Introduction to Flopy,
- Basic commands of Flopy
- Basic construction of steady state model with Flopy
- Graphical representation of model results whit Flopy.
Session 2: Time Varying conditions
- Basic construction of a transient model with boundary conditions (WEL and RIV)
- Plotting hydraulic heads an flow directions.
- Varying conditions in a transient model.
- Insertion of the hydrogeologic parameters: Ss and Sy.
- Interactive representation of groundwater level
Session 3: Particle tracking and DISV grid
- Introduction to MODFLOW 6 in Flopy.
- Creation a particle tracking model.
- Generation refinement with grid “DISV”.
- Simulation of particle tracking with MODPATH 7.
- Analyze particle tracking .
Session 4: Advanced packages and observations
- Implementation of Streamflow Routing (SFR) and Multiaquifer Well (MAW) packages.
- Coupling of multi-aquifer wells.
- Extraction of river levels by cells.
- Interrelation between wells and river.
Session 5: Triangular meshes and 3D anisotropy
- Use of Triangle library to generate grids in a model.
- Creation and representation of the active model domain with boundary conditions like Constant Head condition (CHD).
- Three-dimensional anisotropy with XT3D.
- Simulation of a flow model with triangular grids.
Session 6: Regional modeling
- Definition of spatial coordinate systems
- Insertion and intersection of shapefiles in the grid.
- Representation of hydraulic parameters.
- Definition of boundary conditions like recharge, evapotranpiration and drains.
- Coupling NWT to simulation
- Head distribution visualization at regional level.
Final Exam
Here are some details of each methodology:
- Manuals and files for the exercises will be delivered.
- The course will be developed by video streaming with life support and interaction, recorded videos will be available on our elearning platform.
- There is online support for questions regarding the exercises developed throught email.
- Digital certificate available at the end of the program.
- Video of the classes will be available for 4 months.
- To receive the digital certificate you must submit the exams after 2 month.
- Teacher: Saul Montoya